When Digital Meets Fiber....

When Digital Meets Fiber....

My first thought was to go all Hollywood..... 

As you walk into my printshop, you are greeted with the smell of chocolate treats, a big computer screen, and a comfy chair. Together we design your vision and push a magic button. In the back, the print fairies prepare your fabric creation and package it in a pink-cut velvet box.

Our Value To You

Don’t struggle with formatting and uploading images for printing.
Go to “Order Here”. We take care of the rest.

  • Proof Prep - 2 business days


    Print & Delivery - 10 business days

  • Fabric is a woven medium, therefore, image detail will appear softer than on paper. A woven medium makes the print look luxurious.

  • Exact color matching is difficult to achieve because monitors and printers read and process color differently. We do our best to match color as close as possible. However, we cannot guarantee exact matches.

  • Cost depends on what you order. Before printing you will receive and estimate and proof for your order

  • 1” is left around the border of the images.

  • All images are printed in a specially treated white fabric.

  • jpeg and tiff are most popular formats. Many customers use images from their phones. Hard copy pictures need to be scanned before being sent.

  • When the print is completed you are notified by email. An invoice from Paypal will be sent asking for you to remit payment. When payment is received we ship

  • You can send as many files as you like. The combined total of all files cannot EXCEED 10MB


Ready…. Set…. Go!!


October, 2023 - Varda M, Arizona
It's here!  It's perfect!!!  Everyone will be so excited when they see it at our Friday meeting. Thanks!!!

August, 2023 - Debra D, New York
Just thought you'd like to see this. NY State Fair. Got a blue ribbon.

October 2022 - Jeanne W, New York
Received your photos yesterday and they look great. Thank you so much.

January, 2022 - Merrilee B, New York
Received the fabric pictures today, wonderful job as usual.  So happy I was told about your business, you do a great job. Thanks once again.

August 2021 - Liz D Missouri
Invoice paid and “quilts to be” arrived today. Look great as usual. Thanks.